Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are the two girls in white lesbians?


1. If you are one of the two girls please don't call your DAD or the dean and don’t take any action against me

2. The characters are fictitious even if they have some resemblance to some real character in some real college.

This is just not any grotesque idea mingling in my mind. There are some concrete proofs to support my belief firstly I always found them wearing dress with dominant colour being white. About the lesbian part, I don’t stress they are actually lesbian in a weird fantasy way but in general have too much liking for each other. As per rumours goes the two had paper danced on the informal stage. Apart rumours the two have been seen always together on any occasion be it on the Dance Workshops (with different guys a point in their defence), or in every proshow night leaving behind all their previous friends they used to be roam around with. The energy they showed being together just displayed the intensity of their liking of each other.